Impact Session Speaker


Dr. Dora Tobar Mensbrugghe: Married and mother of two sons. Doctor in Dogmatic Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University. Researcher on the Theology and Pastoral Care of the Family. Editor and collaborator on the USCCB web page for Hispanic marriages and families,  www.portumatrimonio.org. Co-author: “Catholic Faith and Family Bible” (Spanish Version. Ed. Verbo Divino.). Author of the material for developing and accompanying spouses and parents in their ministerial service within their Domestic Churches, denominated, Forming Ministers of God’s Love. Catholic Parenting in the Domestic Church (Loyola Press 2021). Lecturer at national and international level. Member of SCALA (Sociedad de Catequetas Latinoamericanos) and consultant for the USCCB Subcommittee for Hispanic Affairs.  Current Senior Associate for Hispanic Ministry and Hispanic Family Life at the Diocese of Lafayette in Indiana.